St. Mary the Dormition
of the Birthgiver of God
Ukrainian Orthodox Church
Serving Christ & Community since 1906
116 Ella St. McKees Rocks, PA 15136
Українська Православна Церква Успіння Богородиці Святoi Маріi
Служимо Христу та громаді з 1906 року

The stunning interior of St. Mary’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church, adorned with intricate frescoes and sacred icons

The grand brick facade of St. Mary’s Church, a beacon of faith in Pittsburgh since 1906

The stunning interior of St. Mary’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church, adorned with intricate frescoes and sacred icons
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About Us
Serving Christ & Community since 1906
At St. Mary’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church, we are committed to serving Christ and spreading the Gospel of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ. Rooted in the sacred traditions of Ukrainian Orthodoxy, we strive to nurture faith, strengthen our community, and preserve the spiritual and cultural heritage of our forefathers. Through worship, service, and fellowship, we honor the past while embracing the future, sharing the love of Christ with all who seek Him.
This Church family is dedicated to dynamic and meaningful ways to serve the Lord, addressing the spiritual and communal needs of God’s people. At our heart, St. Mary’s is an Orthodox Christian family, gathering faithfully at the Eucharistic Banquet every Sunday to worship, grow in Christ, and fulfill His will. With a variety of ministries and activities, there is a place for everyone to share in the love of Christ, deepen their faith, and glorify Him at all times and in all places!
We celebrate and preserve our Faith as it has been passed down to us from our ancestral homeland, while sharing it with all who seek to know and grow in Christ through the teachings and Mysteries of His Church. Our mission is to honor the past, serve the present, and build the future, bringing the light of Christ to the world.